A territory to discover

The municipality of Lusiana-Conco located in the southern part of the Plateau in an area which, despite being mainly mountainous, also includes a hilly part that slopes down towards the plain. The municipality includes the districts of: Piazza, Campana, Vitarolo, Santa Caterina, Velo, Covolo, Valle di Sopra, Laverda and the mountain areas of Monte Corno, part of Cima Larici and Cima Dodici. Not to be missed: in Santa Caterina> The archpriest church of Lusiana, dedicated to San Giacomo, rich in local marbles and frescoes, among which Jacopo Da Ponte’s “The Nativity” stands out. The church of Santa Caterina is also rich in works of art, the most important of which is a canvas by Jacopo Da Ponte depicting the Madonna enthroned between Saints Catherine and Zeno. In Campana> La Scuola Guesthouse, a welcoming bed and breakfast obtained from the old municipal school, with attention to the smallest details and managed with passion. The oldest bell in Veneto (1388) kept in this district and the Church of the Madonna del Lazzareto. In Vitarolo> This small village on the road to Conco is the starting point for various beautiful walks or itineraries by car, motorbike or bicycle towards the meadows, valleys, woods and some splendid districts.

In Covolo, Valle di Sopra and Valle di Sotto> The itinerary of the Valle dei Mulini, the rock wall for those who practice climbing and the Sojo Park, a path to discover 60 works of contemporary art surrounded by greenery. In the mountainous areas of Monte Corno, part of Cima Larici and Cima Dodici> Dirt and panoramic roads to be covered by mountain bike or on foot. Cross-country and downhill ski slopes and the typical one is the “Giro delle Malghe” a path to discover the numerous mountain huts in the area that produce cheeses and cured meats. In Piazza> Jacopo Dal Ponte’s “The Nativity” and “The Descent of the Holy Spirit” are kept in the Archipetral Church of San Giacomo on Piazza dei Caduti. Unmissable is a walk in the historic center from where you can admire a 360 degree panorama.